We're having a bit of a moment for "resiliency" in the U.S.

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have forced a conversation about climate resiliency for coastal communities. Meanwhile, the Energy Department has made grid reliability and resiliency central parts of its mission.

This brings us to an important resiliency tool: microgrids. 

Microgrids became a major part of resiliency plans in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts after Hurricane Sandy in 2012. We’ll look at how that’s influencing the conversation today in the wake of Harvey and Irma. We'll also get a snapshot of how microgrids in Texas fared during the storm.

This week, GTM Research Grid Analyst Colleen Metelitsa joins us to talk about microgrid applications, the limits of certain technologies, and where they fit into the resiliency picture.

Recommended reading:

  • GTM ebook: How Superstorm Sandy Changed America's Grid
  • GTM: Harvey’s Devastation Shows the Need for Distributed Energy, Microgrids During Disasters
  • GTM: Hurricane Harvey Is Putting Texas Grid Resiliency to the Test

And don't forget to come to our New York REV Future event on September 26-27 in Brooklyn, New York. It's been five years since Sandy and three years since REV was announced. You'll get a comprehensive look at how the state's energy transition has fared.