We’re once again thinking through the practical and theoretical impacts of the pandemic on energy, in the near term and well into the future.
Shayle and Stephen talk with Ramez Naam, a futurist, science-fiction author and energy expert. Ramez joined The Interchange last August to talk about some future scenarios for energy. The world is a dramatically different place today, so we’re bringing him back to recalibrate our sights.
We’ll talk about a wide range of subjects, including oil consumption, behavior changes, demand for electric cars, and whether we’re delaying the energy transition.
Questions we'll answer:
- Does this current situation change the four phases of the energy transition?
- If oil prices are depressed in the long term, what does that do to EVs and clean-energy investments?
- On a practical level, will the crisis encourage governments to make climate-focused stimulus investments?
- Are there other impacts that could bring unforeseen changes further off into the future?
The Interchange is brought to you by Prisma Energy Solutions. Prisma Energy Solutions provides a unique financing model for battery energy storage systems that can help you reduce energy demand, participate in both energy and ancillary service markets, improve renewables integration, increase system reliability, and reduce your carbon footprint.
We’re also brought to you by the Wood Mackenzie power team. WoodMac is delivering actionable real-time data on how our new reality is shaping power markets. Learn more about how we can help you understand the future of energy.