Beginning at 9:00am, this three-hour session is an opportunity for event participants to take part in smaller group discussions that will more deeply explore some of the specific challenges facing REV, share perspectives and seek to generate ideas for meaningful collaborations.

Continental Breakfast & Networking
Individual Group Sessions

In facilitated teams that include representatives from New York utilities and the State, participants will brainstorm around a specific group topic, share experience and perspective, discuss root-causes behind today’s barriers, and explore existing, new – and potentially wild – ideas on how new business models can meaningfully move REV forward in its ambitions. These sessions provide an opportunity for all participants to step outside of their day-to-day – to listen, to share, to collaborate – but most importantly – to co-create.

Note: Each registrant will be emailed a sign-up link to choose a session a week prior to the event.

Option 1: New Models for Reducing Peak Load and Advancing Energy Efficiency

Demand response and energy efficiency programs in New York are already helping to reduce customer costs and manage load. In this conversation, the group will explore how new approaches to partnerships, procurement, and aggregation could monetize benefits and avoided costs associated with reduced peak and base load to achieve new levels of impact.

Option 2: REV-Enabled Solutions for Low-and-Moderate Income Customers

While REV recognizes the need to continue public subsidies that ensure low-and-moderate income customers can participate in the clean energy economy, REV policy reforms will also enable these customers to more easily be served by market participants. This discussion will explore how new business models and partnerships between third parties, communities, utilities, and entities like the NY Green Bank can help serve this critical market segment beyond traditional subsidy programs.

Option 3: Enabling The Active Customer

Across New York State, we have seen customers large and small take an active interest in managing their energy and selling services to the grid to lower costs, reduce price volatility, enhance resiliency, or meet sustainability goals. This discussion will explore innovative ways third parties and utilities can lower barriers and heighten rewards to empower these customers, and leverage their participation as early clean energy adopters to provide insight into broader market demand for products and services such as time of use pricing and renewable power.

Option 4: Reaching and Serving the Passive Customer

One of the main challenges in advancing clean energy deployment is limited customer engagement with energy, beyond paying monthly bills. This discussion will focus on innovative approaches third parties and utilities can take to reach and impact customers who have little interest in energy, and enable them to benefit from the clean energy economy by optimizing both traditional energy resources (i.e. energy storage) and non-traditional resources (i.e. smart appliances or electric vehicles) on behalf of the customer to meet individual and system needs.

Sharing Between Groups and Closing Comments

Each of the individual teams’ “top ideas” will be shared, providing an opportunity to collect group comments and suggestions for next steps. The State will offer some of its closing event observations and provide an overview of next steps for REV – where we go from here, key upcoming milestones and how to stay involved.