by Jeff St. John
December 21, 2020
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This 32-page paper examines how six different states are navigating the disconnect between existing DER integration policies and metrics for valuing customer-sited energy resources and those that could value the full range of what DERs can do. As a Squared member, you get exclusive access to this PDF download.

Table of Contents

Section 1. How States Are Planning for Distributed Energy Integration: California at the Crossroads
Section 2. New York's Market-Centric Vision for Distributed Energy Integration
Section 3. Arizona's Shifting Approach to Distributed Energy: Reaching Across the Utility-Customer Divide
Section 4. Massachusetts Blazes Its Own Trail on Distributed Energy Policy
Section 5. Duke Energy's Vision for Distributed Energy in North Carolina and Beyond
Section 6. Smart Inverters vs. DER Management Systems: Pennsylvania Utility Pilot Runs Them Head-to-Head

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