News Quiz: How Much Solar PV Will America Install Annually by 2020?

Catch up on the latest cleantech news.

Welcome to GTM's energy news quiz. I'm your host, Alex Trebek Mike Munsell.

We've provided explainer links to all of the solutions below the quiz, so try not to cheat by looking ahead! Sign up for our newsletter to improve your score every week.

How'd you do? Share this with colleagues and see if they can beat your score. Feel free to brag (or shame yourself) in the comments section.


1. Which U.S. city is home to the most "energy net-zero" buildings?

2. How much solar PV does GTM Research expect the U.S. to install annually by 2020?

3. Arch Coal just made headlines. What happened?

4. According to GTM Research, what technology will soon be widely adopted for utility-scale PV?

5. Annual spending in the U.S. microgrid market will exceed $829 million by which year?

6. How many U.S. utilities signed contracts for volt/VAR software in 2015?

7. How much will Chevy's all-electric Bolt cost?

8. "There is no growth in our sector outside of clean energy" -- Who said it?


Mike Munsell is GTM's resident game show host. In addition to creating the GTM Energy News Quiz, he writes original riddles at Sign up to get them in your inbox every Monday and Friday.