Guest Post: An Extreme Makeover for Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency has a bad public image. Livingston Energy is trying to form a coalition to change that.

Green is trendy and “global warming” has become a household phrase. The federal government has been driving a dramatic expansion of alternatives in the energy sector. Yet the general public remains uncommitted to the cheapest alternative -- saving energy.

In response, Livingston Energy Innovations is reaching out to leading behavior and marketing experts who can transform mainstream perceptions and behavior around energy efficiency. We intend to launch a nationwide campaign that builds excitement and desirability around efficiency, similar to campaigns for breakthrough products like the iPod. Success can dramatically enhance the impact of existing and proposed energy efficiency programs.

The current challenge

Consumers remain unconvinced of the value of energy efficiency, in part due to skewed perceptions of its true cost. For example, the general public believes that an energy-efficient building has an upfront cost premium of nearly 20%, while the actual premium is a mere 0% to 3% on average.

Consumers equate energy efficiency with sacrificing choice, function, comfort, convenience, and aesthetics. Efficiency still bears a stigma from flawed, first-generation versions of products like compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and electronic ballasts. Despite subsequent technology advances, many skeptics still associate saving energy with the reduced function and high initial cost of those early devices. For these doubters, the lower energy bills, longer product life, and environmental benefits promised by even the latest efficiency advances do not outweigh the perceived drawbacks.

Breaking through the barriers

We see tremendous opportunities to correct these misconceptions. It is time to forge a new approach that guides consumers toward understanding wise energy efficiency choices as appealing, effective, and cost-efficient.

By building consumer awareness and understanding of energy efficiency technologies. The public’s skepticism toward energy efficiency stems from a lack of accessible, relevant, digestible information. A successful messaging campaign will provide clear and concise information through appropriate channels and at times when consumers need it, and can therefore use and assimilate it.

By understanding and influencing consumer opinions of energy efficiency, including the misperceptions of cost, sacrifice, complexity, and inconvenience. These impressions originate both from a lack of information as well as the disappointing past performance of energy-savings devices such as first-generation occupancy sensors. Repairing these misconceptions requires a directed effort to uncover user needs, values, and desires, and to use this information to guide positive communications and the user-friendly design of new products and services.

By changing behavior. Habits are difficult to change. Ideally, we design energy-efficient solutions using insights about consumer needs and habits, we develop products to fit consumers’ lives, and we therefore eliminate the perception of sacrifice. But some efficiency solutions will require different habits. We can help facilitate these changes by providing consumers with easy steps toward energy efficiency goals that also offer other attractive benefits. 

By uniting good products with good messaging. Neither a great product nor a great marketing campaign will succeed on its own. A great product with weak marketing will fail. Great marketing for a flawed product will not only fail but have lasting negative repercussions. To succeed, a marketing campaign must have a strong message and promote and support solid energy efficiency products, services, and activities.

Transforming the message

Our nationwide energy efficiency messaging campaign will be simple, specific, personal, and lighthearted. In addition, we must:

Tune the delivery. We need to understand our audience and connect with them on multiple levels. To do this, we must segment our audience, and reach out to them with customized messages through the appropriate channels, such as web, social media, email, and energy bills, as well as TV, radio, and print media.

Make it interactive. We will use blogs, social media, and other platforms to encourage people to share and respond to messages about energy efficiency. These bi-directional interactions can generate both enhanced consumer awareness and valuable customer insights to inform products, services, and messages.

Revolutionizing energy efficiency

An appealing message carries as much weight as an effective messaging strategy. What makes a product, service, or concept attractive? It must address the user’s needs, values, and desires. Like the iPod’s powerful marketing campaign that underscored an array of compelling qualities, an effective energy efficiency campaign must highlight benefits that matter to consumers, such as:

To support or get involved in the development and launch of the Energy Efficiency Extreme Makeover campaign, contact Livingston Energy Innovations at or 415.383.7480.

[1]Kats, G., Greening Our Built World: Costs, Benefits, and Strategies. 2010, Island Press: Washington, D.C., pgs. 8-13.