Three Financiers Foretell 2008

An angel investor, a venture capitalist and an investment banker give their outlooks for the coming year.

The industry is spread out and fragmented across dozens of different sectors today. But it’s essential for these sectors to communicate and exchange ideas, especially in these early stages of creating a united greentech industry. After all, a smarter grid could have a huge impact on whether solar power and other types of energy generation are successful. The futures of many of these sectors are inextricably linked.

As part of a goal to build a common culture and to open a greater dialogue, we plan to feature industry leaders here, in our new Perspectives section, so you can read your peers’ opinions in their own words.

For this first set, we have asked three financiers -- an angel investor, a venture capitalist and an investment banker -- to tell us what 2008 looks like from their Perspectives. They have come up with a variety of trends -- which we hope you will comment on and discuss further -- and have even announced a new venture.

Please read their Perspectives here: