Smart Grid Vendors: Do The Utilities Know Who You Are?

North American utilities weigh in on a new GTM Research survey asking which smart grid vendors they are most (and least) familiar with.

Which of the following AMI/Networking vendors are you familiar with? (Multiple selections were allowed).

Which of the following Home/Building Area Networks (HAN), Portal and Energy Management Systems vendors are you familiar with? (Multiple selections were allowed).

The numbers speak for themselves. I'd say that anyone with a rating lower than 60% has some work to do in the marketing arena. Is it just me or is it selfishly satisfying to see Microsoft at a mere 43%? Granted they aren't, and never have been, a big name in the electric utility world, but still. This survey was sent out in the 4th quarter of 2009 and I would bet that SmartSynch's exposure has actually risen a bit since then with their marketing splash surrounding their newly announced GridRouter. Nonetheless, these are some eye-opening numbers for vendors throughout the supply chain of smart grid products as they think through their 2010 marketing programs.

The above charts are taken from an upcoming GTM Research Report titled: The 2010 North American Utility Smart Grid Deployment Survey. Stay tuned as the full report will be published in January 2010. Over 50 separate North American utilities participated in this research.