This Is the Face of the ‘New’ Energy Efficiency Industry

We think energy efficiency is cool. And hopefully, so do you.

Today we're announcing the official launch of our energy efficiency channel.

Okay, so it's not exactly "new." It's more of a re-launch. You've probably noticed our energy efficiency coverage for some time. We're simply reminding our audience that we take energy efficiency very seriously. And more importantly, we see the industry moving in new dynamic ways that will be a major part of our coverage going forward. 

We've got a few new products that we're releasing today. If you're at all interested in energy efficiency, you should check them out.

First, we're releasing a new free special report on "intelligent efficiency," which outlines the companies and market trends that are driving informational awareness in the energy efficiency sector. After talking to nearly three dozen companies about top trends in efficiency, we narrowed our focus down to the information technologies and data analytics tools that are making efficiency a dynamic resource. Along with a summary of the different applications for these technologies across each market segment, we've provided a list of 20 companies to watch.

Second, we're also making people aware of our Avant EE conference in San Francisco on July 29. This one-day event will cover innovations in the residential, commercial/industrial and utility sectors -- all through the lens of intelligent efficiency. We are putting together a stellar line-up of speakers and panel discussions. If you're a vendor, part of an energy services company, in the real-estate business or in the utility sector, this conference is worth your time. 

Finally, we'll soon be releasing a special weekly newsletter with all our energy efficiency coverage. If you already get the smart grid or solar newsletters, you know the format well.

Of course, if you're in the business of efficiency and interested in learning more about our coverage or sharing any news, you can contact me at any time. Keep my name in your address book.

As we outlined in our new report, the efficiency market is undergoing major changes. Efficiency is no longer about simple conservation measures or changing out discrete pieces of equipment. It's increasingly being driven by information technologies that are giving us unprecedented clarity into how our built environment and grid operates -- spurring new business models and new ways of thinking about efficiently using energy.

We want to be at the forefront of covering that shift. And we hope you'll join us.