January PVNews: India, Analyst Predictions, and CPV

This month’s PVNews examines India’s solar mission, the GTM Research analysts look to 2011, and the true cost of CPV is revealed.

The first 150 MW round of India’s national solar mission is well underway, or at least the signed contracts would lead most to believe so. The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM), which aims to install 10 GW of PV by 2022, is an intricate framework of rules and incentives designed to effectively tap one of India’s most plentiful resources. After this first 150 MW round, to qualify for the JNNSM’s incentives, developers must use domestically manufactured cells and modules. For companies like Moser Baer, which is preparing to boost production capacity, this is a welcome provision. Foreign producers and their governments are not so excited about being locked out of what could be one the world’s largest markets, as MJ Shiao mentions in his article about international solar trade.  

In the January issue of PVNews, GTM Research dives into the JNNSM. To avoid known PV program pitfalls, the Ministry for New and Renewable Energy built in gradual phases of development, a reverse auction mechanism feed-in tariff scheme (similar to that in place in California), a 5 MW project cap, and domestic content requirements. To date, however, progress has been relatively slow as established developers are hesitant to submit project proposals. India’s largest electricity developer, Tata, has refused to bid during the first phase. With the 5 MW cap in the place and unknown developers submitting proposals selling for electricity at suspiciously low rates, many company officials do not see building solar plants as financially viable.

PVNews explores  the mechanisms India is employing to grow their domestic solar industry on a national scale, both in terms of installations and also in terms of becoming an international powerhouse for PV production. The cover article also discusses ways in which the JNNSM could hinder national solar development. In contrast, individual Indian states, like Gujarat, are installing solar rapidly with their feed-in tariff schemes.

The analysts of GTM Research are also featured as they look toward 2011. Shyam Mehta discusses pricing trends and post-Germany supply, Shayle Kann writes about demand diffusion, Eric Wesoff bets on new technology, MJ Shiao talks inverters and Brett Prior is waiting for large CPV PPAs.

This month’s feature article is an excerpt from the upcoming report “CPV: 2011 Technology and Market Analysis.” GTM Research analyst Chitra Seshan compares the cost of different CPV technologies with conventional PV applications. This in-depth look at what could be a breakout technology analyzes module and installed system prices as well as land use requirements and lifetime O&M costs. Project finance is also covered.

Also included is a comprehensive industry news digest, an up-to-date utility-scale PV project pipeline and project announcement tracker, and European and North American feed-in tariff trackers.

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