Greentech Media’s Most-Shared Stories of 2013

What #solar or #cleantech story did you tweet and share from #greentechmedia this year?

For many of our stories, going live on the Greentech Media website is just the first stop on a journey around the internet. Some headlines and topics are just inherently tweetable and sharable, and they end up taking on a life of their own.

Here are the Greentech Media stories that made the most impact on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn in 2013. Solar stories rule in the social universe, and many also made our list of most-read stories of the year.

10. Conventional Wisdom About Clean Energy Is Still Way Out of Date

9. California Is Proof That Energy Efficiency Works

8. A Solar System Is Installed in the US Every 4 Minutes

7. FERC Chair Jon Wellinghoff: Solar ‘Is Going to Overtake Everything’

6. 4 Charts That Prove the Future of Clean Energy Is Arriving 

5. Germany Hits 59% Renewable Peak, Grid Does Not Explode

4. Rest in Peace: The List of Deceased Solar Companies

3. Lancaster, CA Becomes First US City to Require Solar

2. Chart: 2/3rds of Global Solar PV Has Been Installed in the Last 2.5 Years

1. Zep Solar’s Installation Hardware Goes Rail-Free