Faraday Future Reveals a Few New Details About Its Secret Electric Car Plans

Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning.

The Verge: Inside Faraday Future, the Secretive Car Company Chasing Tesla

Faraday Future first came into the news last summer when word leaked of its existence and its intention to produce electric cars. But speculation swirled around the company’s origins, its finances, and exactly what kind of car it was intending to build. In recent weeks, intrigue has heightened, as news has trickled out about its links to Chinese investors and the identity of its unnamed CEO.

This week, Faraday Future chief designer Richard Kim is expected to announce that the company will participate at CES in January, its first major trade show. Though Faraday is still very much in stealth mode, it recently announced that it plans to spend $1 billion on a U.S. factory that will produce electric cars using a non-traditional sales model.

Guardian: Alberta to Introduce Carbon Tax

The Canadian province of Alberta, home to the country’s controversial tar sands, said on Sunday it will implement an economy-wide tax on carbon emissions in 2017, addressing long-standing criticism it is not doing enough to combat climate change.

The provincial government estimated the plan, including a pledge to phase out pollution from coal-fired electricity generation by 2030 and a limit on emissions from the province’s oil sands industry, would generate C$3B ($2.25B) in annual revenue.

Washington Post: On Eve of the Climate Summit, Britain Pulls the Plug on Renewables

With breathtaking abruptness, the British government has in recent months slashed its support for solar power and other renewable forms of energy, leaving a once-promising industry with grim prospects and throwing into doubt the country’s commitment to clean power.

The moves have baffled environmentalists, business leaders and even many government allies. Britain has long been in the vanguard of efforts to combat global warming. It has been expected to play a leading role -- alongside the Obama administration -- in efforts to secure a package of tough reforms at the U.N. climate change summit in Paris, which kicks off at the end of this month.

The Hill: 'To Hell With the Fossil Fuel Industry,' Says Bernie Sanders

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Saturday called for Republicans to abandon the corrupting influence of the Koch brothers and other wealthy energy magnates.

“This is a party that rejects science and refuses to understand that climate change is real,” he said of the GOP during the annual Blue Jamboree in North Charleston, S.C.

“I understand if you stand up to the Koch brothers and the fossil fuel industry, that you’ll lose your campaign contributions,” the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate added.

Reuters: Wind Turbine Maker Gamesa Plans Solar Investment in India

Spanish wind turbine maker Gamesa is seeing booming sales in emerging markets, expects double-digit sales growth through 2017 and plans investments in solar and off-grid power generation in India, its chairman said.

In India, where Gamesa started activities only five to six years ago, it expects turbine sales adding up to 900 MW this year, and in Brazil, where the company had no business four years ago, it expects sales of 650 MW this year.