Emerging Tech That Will Help Revive Our Infrastructure

On this week’s Interchange podcast, we dissect four areas of tech innovation that are helping us remap and rebuild the physical world.

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America’s physical infrastructure is in the dumps. The American Society of Civil Engineers regularly gives the country’s infrastructure a near-failing grade.

We need to rebuild a lot of stuff. Hardening our roads, grids, buildings and transit systems has a climate context to it: We need to do it better and we need to do it cleaner.

This week, we are exploring the cleantech opportunities in physical infrastructure. What are the most compelling trends shaping the way we optimize our electrical equipment, pipelines, streets, homes and buildings? 

This conversation is based on Shayle Kann’s piece, titled “The World Around Us.”

We’re breaking the conversation into four parts:

 Support for the Interchange comes from Schneider Electric, the leader of the digital transformation in energy management and automation. 

Support for this podcast comes from PG&E. PG&E is helping to electrify corporate fleet vehicles. Get in touch with PG&E’s EV specialists to find out how you can take your transportation fleet electric.