Do LED Lights Attract Bugs?

More bugs are attracted to LED street lamps in proportion to color temperature and brightness of the lamps, says a chief researcher at Nihon Gairoto Seizou.

Is it true that LED lamps do not attract bugs?

We often hear that it is one of the advantages of LED lamps. But doubt was cast upon the theory in the seminar on elemental technologies for LED lamps at Green Device 2009 Forum, which took place Oct. 30, 2009. In the seminar, Hisashi Wakamatsu, chief researcher of Nihon Gairoto Seizou KK, delivered a lecture titled "Considering LED Lamps Using Past Examples."

He said that bugs are attracted by ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 340 to 350nm. Though measuring instruments do not detect such rays in the emission spectrum of white LEDs used for LED street lamps, he found that more bugs are attracted to the LED lamps in proportion to color temperature and brightness of the lamps.

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