The First 100 Days of Energy Policy in the Trump Administration

“President Trump will become the first president to achieve American energy independence.”

In late May, Donald Trump (with policy input from fracking billionaire Harold Hamm) laid out his 100-day energy action plan:

Some of these goals are not completely realistic. U.S coal mining production and employment has been falling for decades. Global and national compacts cannot be dismissed by presidential whim within 100 days. Grist reports, "Trump’s new energy agenda is all Republican politics without even the patina of policy seriousness offered by some more experienced politicians."

Anyway, now that it's official, now that Donald Trump is the Republican Party's nominee for president, following this week's convention in Cleveland -- what more have we learned about the candidate's energy policy?

The next DOE Secretary, Harold Hamm

In the words of former Romney energy advisor Harold Hamm, speaking last night at a GOP event, "President Trump will become the first president to achieve American energy independence."

Hamm seems to be Trump's primary energy advisor and, as such, has been the subject of speculation that he would be Trump's choice for Secretary of Energy -- the current office of nuclear scientist Ernest Moniz and former office of Steven Chu, Nobel Prize winner.

Hamm's pro-drilling bias is no secret -- he's made billions in North Dakota's Bakken Shale and sees Obama as trying to "destroy" America's fossil fuel "renaissance." He wants to "get rid" of foreign oil.

He told the GOP crowd, "Every time we can’t drill a well in America, terrorism is being funded," adding, "Every onerous regulation puts American lives at risk."

Chances are good for the nomination of DOE Secretary Harold Hamm in the Trump administration's first 100 days.

GOP Republican Party platform

According to the Washington Post, the newly adopted GOP platform "tosses aside an environmental regulatory structure built on congressional legislation and judicial rulings over more than four decades, dating to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency under President Richard M. Nixon."

Here are some highlights from the energy section of the GOP's platform document, which does include a shout-out to energy storage.

Mr. Trump and one of the few Silicon Valley investors who supports Trump, Peter Thiel, will be speaking at the convention later today. If something of importance is said about America's energy situation, we'll add the update here.