Meet Four Winners in Industrial Energy Efficiency

Champions of using less energy

Photo Credit: Energy Efficiency Champions: The Biggest Non-Users

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy gives out Champion of Energy Efficiency awards annually for “leadership and accomplishment in the energy field.” This year’s winners have made big strides in energy efficiency advocacy, policy, and implementation of energy efficiency programs.

Let’s face it -- it’s not quite as sexy as the Oscars. But energy efficiency is getting more and more attention as a commonsense, cost-effective (often cost-cutting) way of not only easing pressure on energy prices and production activities of all kinds, but also of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And as climate change moves into the U.S. mainstream as a more commonly accepted threat (yes, we know that the debate is far from over), using less has more and more appeal.

Here are this year’s winners:

Congrats, guys!


Editor's note: This article is reposted in its original form from Breaking Energy. Author credit goes to Conway Irwin.