We're just five months into 2013, and we've already seen a number of new records in cleantech deployment. Here are five recent stories worth highlighting.

Renewables Power Portugal Into 2013

In the first quarter of this year, Portugal got 70 percent of its electricity from renewable sources. That’s three straight months of outsize production from hydropower (37 percent) and wind (27 percent) with a small contribution from solar. Favorable weather conditions and easing energy consumption facilitated this noteworthy opportunity for Portugal, which must import all of its fossil fuels.

100 Gigawatts of Solar PV Now Installed Worldwide

More solar is being deployed in more countries than ever. Recently released figures from the European Photovoltaic Industry Association indicate that in 2012 the world added over 31 GW to its photovoltaic tally, bringing cumulative global installations to more than 100 gigawatts.


Source: EPIA Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics Through 2016

100,000th Plug-In EV Sold in U.S.

A grand total of 101,977 is the latest count of plug-in vehicles sold domestically, but that’s not the only number of significance to the electric transportation sector. Driven by an adoption rate exceeding that of early hybrid vehicles, U.S. EVs account for more than 2,000 megawatts of battery storage.

Half of Germany’s Wind and Solar Is Local

Who’s fueling Germany’s energy revolution? Individuals, largely. Private citizens are responsible for over a third of the wind and solar capacity in Germany. Add the share owned by farmers, with their tracts of land ripe for renewables, and the result is a clean energy market by the people, for the people.


Source: Institute for Local Self-Reliance

Cree Unveils Warm White LED for Less Than $10

Getting LED lights into retail stores for less than $10 has been the main goal of every solid-state lighting company. This spring, Cree became the first company to make it happen, marking a major inflection point for LED lighting. “You have to give consumers a reason to switch,” says Mike Watson, VP of corporate marketing at Cree. His company has given them two: feel and price.

Although the products are still new to many consumers, a recent survey from Sylvania found that 35 percent of households now have an LED light.